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Benjamin Tan - Speaker at Tricentis Accelerate 2018 - San Francisco - Infometis

Geschrieben von Serge Wolf | 18.04.2018 14:24:35
About Accelerate SF
Accelerate SF 2018 gathers the industry’s top thought leaders to discuss what’s needed to meet the changing expectations associated with digital transformation.  Join us at Accelerate SF on May 7-8 th, 2018 for two exciting days of networking, learning, and connecting with testing experts from a wide range of industries.
Meet Benjamin Tan from Infometis – one of the highlighted speakers
We from infometis are very proud that Benjamin Tan was invited to share our success with our customer RBS.

Benjamin Tan Speaker at Tricentis Accelerate 2018 SF

The topic of Bens speech is „Value Stream Integration from a Testing Perspective“
Value Stream Integration from a Testing Perspective
No matter where you turn, experts are telling you that all your organization needs to improve your software development is to adopt some combination of DevOps, Agile, and Lean. But it’s hard to figure out which practices are right for your organization, and how to best adopt them to existing processes. Infometis, RBS, and Tasktop jointly present RBS‘ on-going story of value stream integration to accelerate time to market and ensure innovation is embraced throughout the journey. The current phase concentrates on Continuous Testing whilst future phases focus on analytics. We’ll cover common mistakes, and how to avoid them using value stream integration approach.
Stay tuned
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