infometis blog

Test Environment Management in JIRA - Infometis

Geschrieben von Serge Wolf | 18.12.2017 08:16:17

[quality matters]
Test Environment Management in JIRA

Chapter two of our [quality matters] series puts its spotlight on how to increase the efficiency of our test environments!

Up to 40% of effort during the software development life-cycle is wasted due to environment related issues.
– Julian Brook (Computerworld UK) –
A statement QA people can thoroughly endorse…!

But how can we get rid of this lack of transparency? How can we manage our test environments more efficient and support the demanding approach of DevOps?

These questions will be answered on 7. February 2018 in Zürich at our next [quality matters] event.

Our partner Apwide presents its seamless JIRA integrated Test Environment Manager and is happy to learn more about your challenges.

Get a quick overview of their solution and register below if you are interested in attending this knowledge sharing event.

Infometis and Apwide are happy to welcome you.

Agenda & Registration

Wednesday 7. February 2018 @ Infometis AG, Laurenzgasse 5, 8006 Zürich

  • 14:00 – Welcome
  • 14:10 – Introduction – Challenges of Test Environment Management
  • 14:20 – TEM Demo by Apwide, including open discussion
  • 15:50 – Networking
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